The GESM team surpassed the 50-day mark of quarantine this past weekend, so what better way to celebrate the slow march toward the century mark than looking back at the past few weeks of team, league, and brand soccer-related activities.
Let me present you with a classic good news, bad news scenario. The bad news? Our podcast equipment has been sequestered at our germ-free office since March 13th. The good news? We’ve still got Zoom!
From Captain Morgan to FIFA and Rocket League to cardboard fan cutouts, the soccer world is trying to cope with the COVID-19 situation. What has resonated with the GESM team? Is the “we’re all in this together” messaging overkill? Hear (and watch!) our thoughts below.
Want to hear more? Check out our previous podcast discussions here or on Spotify, Apple Music, and wherever else you get your podcast fix.
Categories: Just For Fun, Podcasting